Explore intuitive painting with me



You can purchase the class here

You can join the email list here to be notified when the next classes will be available.


Exploring your intuitive gifts through a relaxing creative process while finding your voice and building confidence in your personal style and creative practice through a guided intuitive painting session.


Intuitive painting is a healing practice that allows you to listen to  within your mind and body. Just as your life is a pattern of your behaviors, your minds repeat thoughts that create these behaviors. Slowing down and connecting with yourself creates a sense of peace that can help you in your daily life. Intuitive painting is a way of processing emotions and memories that can get trapped in your body creating dis-ease.


Each session is guided by a loose theme to  help you connect with your deeper self that yearns to create the life you deserve. No skills are needed as the class is not heavy in technique, but rather based on grounding and listening to your inner self that we often lose touch with due to our busy lifestyles. You will also be able to meet other creatives and artist that share similar interest and desires.


To purchase the class and learn more about the class pease visit here.
To join the email list to be notified when the next classes will be available visit here.